Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Degrees, Certificates, & Graduation Requirements


Garden City Community College awards four degrees, each with a special Course to meet individual student needs.

They are:

Systemwide General Education Bucket Requirements (SGE)

Beginning in Fall 2024, GCCC will participate with all state universities, Washburn University and all community colleges in Kansas in the systemwide general education (SGE) framework for associate in arts (AA) and associate in science (AS) degrees. GCCC’s SGE framework includes 34-37 credit hours organized in 7 “buckets” identified by an individual SGE code. Any student who has completed the full credit hour requirement in all buckets will be considered to have completed the Kansas SGE framework for associate in arts (AA) and associate in science (AS) degrees. The completion of the 34-37 credit hour general education package will be noted on the student’s transcript.


Bucket 1 (SGE 010)   Bucket 2 (SGE 020)   Bucket 3 (SGE 030)    Bucket 4 (SGE 040)    Bucket 5 (SGE 050)    Bucket 6 (SGE 060)    Bucket 7 (SGE 070)   

Application for Graduation

Each student planning to graduate from GCCC is required to declare his/her intent to graduate by filing an Application for Graduation with the Registrar’s office. Application deadlines are:

Fall completion September 1
Spring completion December 1
Summer completion February 1

Degree and Graduation Requirements

Upon the successful completion of 64 credit hours (prior to Fall 2018) and a minimum of 60 credit hours (effective for students entering Fall 2018 and thereafter) including the fulfillment of the specified General Education Requirements, additional courses required to complete the chosen program of study, and a cumulative GPA of 2.0, the degree seeking students are awarded an associate degree (includes the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, the Associate in General Studies and the Associate in Applied Science degrees). 

The requirements for the four degrees and additional requirements for graduation are listed in the following sections. Basic degree program outlines are below.

Garden City Community College anticipates graduates will possess essential skills, be prepared for workplace success and embrace lifelong learning. Student outcomes guide the College in answering federal government and public citizen concerns about measurement and accountability in higher education.

*The College retains the right to waive certain degree and certificate requirements upon written request and approval from the Vice President for Instruction.

Catalog Compliance

Students will follow the guidelines of the catalog in effect when they first enrolled, provided they remain continuously enrolled from the semester of entry to the semester of graduation.

Students who are not continuously enrolled from the date of entry to the date of graduation will follow the guidelines of the catalog in effect when they return.

Minimum GCCC Credits

Fifteen (15) semester hours of credit must be completed at Garden City Community College in order to graduate from GCCC.

Developmental Courses

The following developmental courses will not count toward fulfilling degree and certificate requirements, nor do they count toward completion of the 60 credit hour requirement:

ENGL 0883 Basic English ELL Companion  

ENGL 090 Basic English  

ENGL 097 English Fundamentals  

ENGL 0983 English I ELL Companion  

ENGL 098 English I Companion  

ENGL 0993 English II ELL Companion  

MATH 005 College Math ***  

MATH 006 Beginning Algebra ***  

READ 092 Reading Improvement I  / READ 0922 Reading Improvement I   

READ 093 College Reading  / READ 0932 College Reading  

College Success (PCDE 101 ) is strongly recommended for students who are placed into two or more developmental courses. The mission of College Success is to allow our students a learning foundation to promote success while being enrolled at GCCC. This one credit course promotes the development of academic skills and strategies, personal responsibility, understanding college culture, effective decision making strategies, and career exploration. In addition, this course offers comprehensive student development and personal support services which contribute to both student and institutional learning and achievement outcomes. This course must be completed with a C or higher.

Student Success Requirement

College Success (PCDE 101 ) or Career Success (PCDE 109 ), is a required course for all students seeking an associate degree at GCCC. This course must be completed with C or higher. The mission of College Success is to allow our students a learning foundation to promote success while being enrolled at GCCC.

Attendance at New Student Orientation is a recommended component of College Success and Career Success.

Waiver and Substitution for General Education Requirements

The College seeks to provide all students with a quality education and equal educational opportunities. When a student’s disability interferes with his or her potential to complete successfully one or more of the College general educational requirements, the College will make reasonable modifications to its academic requirements. Action will be taken, if necessary, to comply with legal requirements ensuring that such requirements do not discriminate or have the effect of discriminating on the basis of a student’s known and adequately documented disability, unless the requested modification would require alteration of essential elements of the program or directly related licensing requirements or would result in undue financial or administrative burdens.

The Vice President for Instruction, in cooperation with the Accommodations Coordinator for students with disabilities and the department through which the requirement is fulfilled, will determine the appropriate modification or substitution.

Graduation Substitutions

GCCC supports the completion of program and certificate requirements as outlined in the academic catalog. The College will consider requests by students when clear and compelling evidence is in the best interest of the student and the institution. The granting of substitutions does not guarantee transferability to other institutions. A Graduation Substitution form, available in the Registrar’s Office, must be completed by the student and academic advisor. It is recommended that graduation substitution requests be submitted prior to the last semester of the student’s degree or certificate completion.

Refer to the Credit for Prior Learning Policy on the GCCC website.

Graduation Exercises

GCCC celebrates the accomplishments of the graduating students with Commencement exercises on the Friday prior to the final examination period in May. Graduating students who do not plan to participate in the Commencement exercises should indicate this choice on the Application for Graduation. Students participating in the commencement exercises must wear cap and gown regalia purchased by the College.

Those invited to participate in the ceremony are graduates (certificates and degrees) for the current academic year (includes prior fall semester, current spring semester and upcoming summer session).

Awarding of Degrees

Degrees-awarded notations are placed on the student’s transcript upon completion of all requirements. Students transferring hours from other universities/colleges to complete graduation requirements must have official transcripts from each institution on file in the Registrar’s Office before the degrees are awarded and noted on their transcripts.

Students may obtain one of the following degrees:

  • Associate in Science Degree
  • Associate in Arts Degree
  • Associate in General Studies Degree

Students may obtain one or more of the following degree (in multiple technical programs):

  • Associate in Applied Science

Students may obtain one or more Certificates (in multiple technical programs).

Transfer of Credit

GCCC maintains close contact with senior university/college personnel in order to assist students in the transfer process. The course offerings that students complete at GCCC are closely parallel to the freshman/sophomore requirements for the baccalaureate degrees at the four-year institutions. A transfer manual listing GCCC’s course equivalencies with those at the Kansas Regent universities, Washburn University and Newman University has been developed and is available for student use.

Students planning to transfer should secure a copy of the transfer institution’s catalog and become familiar with the requirements. Close planning with advisors on course selection while attending GCCC will result in a successful transfer of credits.

Transfer Agreement and Articulation Guide

Kansas Public Community Colleges - Kansas Regents Universities

A student who completes an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree based on a baccalaureate oriented sequence at a state and regionally accredited Kansas public community college and whose program of studies has met requirements of the Kansas Public Community College- Kansas Regents Transfer Agreement and Articulation Guide, are accepted with junior standing and will have satisfied the general education requirements of all Regents universities. Students transferring to Regents institutions who have not completed an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree will be awarded general education credit for any articulated general education course completed at the community college.

Though the following distribution of courses does not necessarily correspond to the general education requirements at any Kansas Regents institution, it will be accepted as having satisfied the general education requirements of all Kansas Regents universities. A minimum of 45 credit hours of general education with distribution in the following fields are required. General education hours totaling less than 45 are accepted, but transfer students must complete the remainder of this requirement before graduation from the receiving institution, which may require an additional semester(s). Students may contact their advisor or the Salmans Advising Center for a complete list of classes that transfer and satisfy the Articulation agreement.

12 hours of Basic Skills courses, including:

6 hours of English 
3 hours of Communication
3 hours of college level Mathematics (College Algebra or higher)

12 hours of Humanities courses from at least three of the following disciplines:

*Performance courses are excluded.

12 hours of Social and Behavioral Science courses from at least three of the following disciplines:

Political Science

9 hours of Natural and Physical Science courses from at least two disciplines (lecture with lab).

Transcripts of students fulfilling the requirements of this agreement are appropriately coded by the sending institution.

The Kansas Board of Regents approves courses for Systemwide Transfer (SWT) among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. A student who completes these courses at any Kansas public community college, technical college, or university can be certain that he or she can transfer that course to any other public institution offering an equivalent course.

For a list of all approved SWT courses, visit:

Technical Certificate Programs

Each community college may provide programs of instruction consisting of college credit courses designed to prepare individuals for entry into an occupation or closely related cluster of occupations. A certificate may be awarded on satisfactory completion of a planned program, including the demonstration of attainment of predetermined and specified performance requirements. The courses must be based in theory and be of sufficient complexity, rigor and theory to provide college credit. Most certificate programs should be designed to allow a duly enrolled full-time student to complete the program within one school year. GCCC is developing competency-based programs in technical education fields.

Students completing Technical Certificate programs in Agri-Business, Agri-Business Specialist-Agronomy, Agri-Business-Specialist Livestock Management, Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, Computer Support Specialist, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Crop Production Technology, Early Childhood Education, Food Science, Food Science and Meat Production, Industrial Machine Mechanic, Management Marketing, Medical Assistant, Paramedic, Practical Nursing, Robotics & Mechatronics Technology, and Welding Technology, must apply for graduation to receive their certificates. They may also participate in and be recognized during the graduation ceremonies. Students can refer to the Application for Graduation and Graduation Exercises sections for additional information.