Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2026 Academic Catalog 
2024-2026 Academic Catalog

Academic & Student - Policies & Procedures

The Student and Academic Decisions

Academic decisions are made by faculty members, Division Chairs, Deans and the Vice President for Instructional Services. If a student believes that an academic decision is unfair, he/she may meet with the above personnel who will review the student’s complaint and render a final decision.

Refer to the Appeals Policy on the GCCC website.

Student Responsibilities

Those enrolling for college credit at GCCC are considered adults and expected to assume responsibility for the following:

  1. Planning a semester schedule or course of study and completion of all course requirements. Instructors, counselors, advisors, and administrators will give assistance. The College Catalog and supplementary bulletins are authoritative sources of information on academic matters.
  2. Voluntary consultation with counselors on adjustment difficulties, vocational and professional aptitude and planning, as well as personal problems pertaining to a college career.
  3. Attending classes regularly.
  4. Observance of all College regulations as specified in the College Catalog, the Student Handbook, the Residential Life Handbook, the Student Athlete Handbook and other information bulletins.

Updating Student Information

Students needing to change their recorded information such as a name, address, or social security number, must complete a “Student Data Change Form” at the Registrar’s Office.

A name change requires a copy of:

  1. Marriage (License) Certificate.
  2. Filed court document; OR
  3. Drivers license and social security card.

Changing an erroneously reported social security number requires a copy of the official social security card.

Advanced Standing Credit

Advanced standing implies that credit will be granted for specific courses in which certain requirements or standards have been satisfactorily completed from external sources. These external sources may include: proficiency examinations, military credits, national standardized examinations, Kansas Technical Colleges and Schools, competency based programs, correspondence courses, and departmental course challenges. A maximum of 30 credit hours may be accepted by this method. (Credits transferred from regionally accredited universities/colleges are excluded from this classification; however, the total hours applicable to fulfilling degree and certificate requirements from advanced standing and/or transfer cannot exceed 45 semester hours.) Advanced standing credit will not count for the 15 credit hour residency requirement. All external credit requests must be evaluated and approved by the College Registrar. The source will also be listed on the transcript.

Refer to the Credit for Prior Learning Policy on the GCCC website.

In most cases, a processing fee is required and the student will be notified at the time of evaluation the amount of the charge. Credit will not be awarded if:

  1. A student has previously received a grade in the course.
  2. A student has previously received a grade in a higher content level course.
  3. A student has been awarded credit through other non-traditional programs in areas containing the same content.

The Credit by Examination Program is administered through the Mary Jo Williams Assessment Center, located in the Student and Community Services Center.

The awarded credits for all advanced standing assessments are entered on the student’s transcript with the grade of “CR” when the student has successfully completed 12 GCCC credit hours and has paid the assessed fee.

Advanced Placement (AP) and CLEP Examinations

Credits are granted for students presenting scores of 3, 4 or 5 on the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Tests (CEEB-AP) and scores at or above 55% on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject Examinations. Scores of 5 will equate to an “A”, 4 to a “B” and 3 to “CR”. Credit for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) examinations may also be accepted. Natural Science exams will not satisfy laboratory science requirements. For specific information, contact the counselors (located in the Student and Community Services Center).

Competency-Based Credits

Competency-Based Credit, for previous experience, may be arranged through the appropriate corresponding program director at GCCC.

Departmental Course Challenges

In courses where a comprehensive examination is available, credit may be granted if a satisfactory level of achievement is demonstrated (with competencies of at least a C grade). Students cannot receive credit by examination to repeat or to replace a previously earned course grade listed on the transcript, nor may they receive credit for a lower level course than one previously enrolled and shown on the transcript. A fee is charged for all comprehensive course challenge examinations. Costs for awarded credit are equivalent to the tuition rate assessed for actual class enrollment.

A student wishing to apply for credit by examination in courses not available through CLEP, should petition the director of the college division where the course is offered. If permission is granted, the director or his/her designee will administer a comprehensive final examination for that class. If the student passes the examination with a grade of “C” or better, the division director and vice president will forward that information and credit recommendation to the Registrar. After completion of 12 GCCC credit hours and payment of the assessed fee, the courses are listed on the student’s transcript with a grade of “CR”.

Military Credits

Students who have previously served in any branch of the U.S. Military Services may receive credit for their military training, education and experience. All military evaluations are based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE). Physical education credit is generally awarded in addition to those courses applicable to the student’s chosen major of study. In no case will credit be granted for non-existing GCCC-equivalent courses. Students desiring credit for military experiences should contact the Registrar, located in the Student and Community Services Center.

The Joint Services Transcript (includes Army, Marine Corps, Navy of Coast Guard) can be requested at this link: https://jst.doded.mil/official.html.

High School Articulation

Some selected high school courses have been articulated with courses offered by GCCC to enable students to advance to higher level courses at the College. Participating high schools may award credit toward high school graduation to students who demonstrate sufficient competency in these college level courses. Individuals who are interested in details should make specific inquiries to their high school.

Vocational Courses from Kansas Area Technical Colleges/Schools

  1. Kansas community colleges will accept all Kansas Board of Regents approved postsecondary area technical colleges/schools program credits for evaluation and transfer as credit toward the Associate in Applied Science degree.
  2. Former students of Kansas area vocational-technical schools must be enrolled in the community college and successfully complete 12 hours with the community college before the evaluated hours are recorded on the college transcript.
  3. All Kansas area technical college/school programs must be divided into courses or units and documented on a transcript for transfer evaluation purposes.
  4. Credit hour conversion of courses completed in the Kansas technical colleges/schools are based on the same requirements Kansas community colleges currently use in determining credit hours for a course.
    1. 750 minutes lecture 1 credit hour
    2. 1,350 minutes lab 1 credit hour

      These are minimum requirements and may be exceeded.
  5. Not more than 75 percent of the Associate in Applied Science degree credit hours shall be in the technical area. At least 25 percent of the total program hours shall be in the general education area. Students must, in addition, meet the graduation requirements for the Associate in Applied Science degree for the individual community college. (KSBE-1987)

Completed Technical Programs

Credit may be granted for approved technical college/school students upon program completion. After successfully completing 12 hours with GCCC, the evaluated hours are recorded on the college transcript. Students with 1080 hour programs (9 months) are eligible for 32 hours credit. Students with 2160 hour programs (2 years) are eligible for 48 hours credit. In each case, students are required to complete the 18 hour General Education requirements for the A.A.S. degree from GCCC. Courses of study with less than 1080 hours are not eligible for block credit award. All credits are listed with “CR” grade designation.

Other External Credits

Other external programs of study may be available for conversion to college credits if such programs are recommended for credit by a recognized agency such as the American Council on Education or The National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction. Students interested in potential credit should contact the Registrar.


Attendance Guidelines

  1. Consistent attendance at Garden City Community College is strongly recommended.
  2. The student is responsible for contacting each of his or her instructors regarding an absence.
  3. GCCC supports the right of instructors to recommend withdrawal prior to the published withdrawal date or to fail any student whose absences are excessive in the opinion of that instructor.

Refer to the Attendance Policy on the GCCC website.

College-Sponsored Activity Absence Policy

  1. The student must notify the instructor prior to the absence.
  2. The student must obtain assignments prior to the absence.
  3. The student and instructor must establish a due date.
  4. The student must submit completed assignments by the due date.
  5. Coaches or sponsors will provide a list of participants to instructors prior to the activity.
  6. If these criteria are met, coursework are accepted.
  7. Dual credit students will follow same criteria.

Course Cancellation

During the registration process, all course sections offered are reviewed to see if there is sufficient enrollment to justify running the class. If a class is cancelled, students are contacted by email if there is sufficient time before the end of the registration period to adjust their schedules. If a section is cancelled too late for mail notification, attempts to contact students are made by the student’s GCCC e-mail or by telephone and a sign is posted outside the scheduled classroom door.

Refer to the Course Cancellation Policy on the GCCC website.

Exams and Final Exams

Final examinations at the close of each semester are College requirements for all students. Students absent on the day of an announced examination may be permitted to make up the examination at the discretion of the instructor. In case of an emergency, such as bereavement or hospitalization, a student may be permitted to deviate from the announced schedule of examinations with permission from the appropriate instructional administrator. The academic calendar for the entire year is included in the calendar section of this catalog as well as on the Academic Calendar section of the college website. Students should refer to the schedule prior to making travel arrangements so that there are no conflict with the final examinations schedule.

Refer to the Exams and Final Exams Policy on the GCCC website.

Grading System

Grades are reported to the office of the Registrar at the end of each semester. Grades are reported by letter only. No plus or minus values are recorded. The scale of grades and grade points is as follows:

Grade Grade Points Per Hour
A (Excellent) 4
B (Good) 3
C (Average) 2
D (Poor, but passing) 1
F (Failing) 0
P (Passing - Credit only, not computed in GPA) 0
I (Incomplete) 0
W (Withdrawn) 0
CR (Credit only, not computed in GPA) 0
AU (Audit - no credit, no grade) 0
XF (Failed due to academic dishonesty) 0

Refer to the Grading Policy on the GCCC website.

Credit/Pass Grades

A “CR” or “P” grade indicates that the student has received credit for the course, but the grade is not calculated in the grade point average. The hours do count for graduation. A “CR” grade is assigned for credit in courses for which no grade is given, such as seminars, workshops or other similar learning experiences. Credit by examination program credits are usually designated by this notation.

Refer to the Grading Policy on the GCCC website.

Pass/Fail Grades

Students may enroll in certain courses under the Pass/Fail option. Under this option, an earned grade of A, B, C or D are recorded on the transcript as a “P”. A grade of F are recorded as an F. “P” grades will not be counted in calculating grade point averages, but F grades are counted in the calculation.

The following conditions apply to students choosing this option:

  • Courses that cannot be taken Pass/Fail are as follows:
  1. General education requirements.
  2. Courses required in the major field of study
  • Advisor approval is required before a student chooses the Pass/Fail option.
  • A student must indicate the Pass/Fail option at the time of registration and the option cannot be changed once the class begins.
  • A course originally completed under the Pass/Fail option cannot later be converted to a grade.
  • A student may enroll in only one Pass/Fail course per semester.

Note: Some university/college scholarship committees and honor societies do not accept the Pass/Fail grading system when computing grade point averages and may convert grades of “P” and “CR” to a letter grade of “C” or in some other way penalize the student. Students planning to seek admission to a professional school, i.e., medical, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, etc., should contact potential universities for the specific policy regarding pass/fail and credit by examination acceptances.

Refer to the Pass/Fail Policy on the GCCC website.

Course Audit

Audit students, those who attend a class regularly but who elect not to earn credit, are permitted to enroll. Regular tuition and fees are charged to a student who audits a class. Students must declare their intention to audit at the time of enrollment and the option cannot be changed once the class begins. A course originally completed under the audit option cannot later be converted to a graded or Pass/Fail basis.

Refer to the Course Audit Policy on the GCCC website.

Incomplete Grades

Due to extenuating circumstances, if a student has not completed all the requirements of a course, the instructor may issue an incomplete “I” grade at the end of the semester, giving the student additional time to complete the requirements.

The instructor will not automatically record an incomplete; the student must petition the instructor before the end of final examinations. A contract for an Incomplete Grade, available from the Registrar’s Office, is required. The student and the instructor must agree on conditions by which the requirements are met and the contract for an incomplete “I” grade must be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office by the instructor. The instructor must issue a Change of Grade Request form before the “I” grade can be removed and a letter grade entered on the transcript. The “I” grades are converted to “F” grades if requirements have not been met by the Friday prior to finals week of the following semester.

Refer to the Grading Policy on the GCCC website.

Posting of Grades

The public posting of grades, either by student name, institutional student identification number, or social security number is a violation of Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and is restricted by the College. Even with names obscured, numeric student identifier numbers are considered personally identifiable information.

The student may obtain the grade for a particular course by individual discussion with the instructor.

Grades are entered into the computer for processing, and the student must wait until grades are posted on Self-Service to view final grades.

Refer to the Posting of Grades Policy on the GCCC website.

Grade Changes

Grade change forms are submitted directly to the Registrar’s Office by the instructor who taught the course. A failing grade will not be changed to a passing grade without the signature of the Vice President for Instructional Services. The student will receive a copy of the grade change form as notification that the process has been completed.

Grade change requests must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within one semester of the student’s initial enrollment in the course.

Refer to the Grading Policy on the GCCC website.

Independent Study Courses

In exceptional circumstances the College may approve the offering of an existing course on an independent study basis (e.g. student must have the course to graduate that semester and there are not sufficient other students to warrant offering a regular class section). The student will need to obtain the approval of the appropriate instructional administrator before being allowed to register.

Refer to the Independent Study Policy on the GCCC website.

Course Delivery Modes and Timelines

Accelerated Courses

An accelerated course allows students to complete an academic course in less time than a full semester. This is an intensive course, covering a full semester’s work in considerably less time. Therefore, regular, consistent attendance is vital. By policy, there is a cap on how many accelerated courses a student can take at one time, based on the length of the academic term during which the student is enrolling.

Refer to the Assignment of Credit Hour policy on the GCCC website.

Hybrid Courses

A hybrid course is a blend of online or independent work and campus-based instruction. A hybrid course offers the benefit of face-to-face instruction and the flexibility and convenience of online or independent work. Each individual course provides specific classroom dates and times while online or independent instruction uses any combination of various methods: video, audio, document files, discussion boards, and written assignments.

Face to Face Courses

Face-to-face courses are campus-based classes that meet in-person at an established time and place. While instructional technologies (like Canvas) may be used to support the course, instruction takes place fully in-person. Students will still be expected to use campus technologies like email and Canvas.

Online Courses

An online course is one where students move through course modules as a group, but do not meet together as a group either face-to-fact or in an online setting (Zoom, etc.). An online course uses computer-based technologies (i.e. Canvas) to create an online “classroom.” Students are instructed in course content through online learning: tutorials, testing exercises, small-group collaborations, independent assignments and long-range projects. Each individual course provides a schedule of assignments and deadlines and students must adhere to this schedule; online courses are not self-paced. Students need to have adequate computer skills as they are communicating with the instructor and classmates online.

Buster Live Distance (Zoom) Courses

A Buster Live Distance course is one where students meet in an online, virtual meeting space (i.e. Zoom) at a designated time. This type of classroom creates the feel of an in-person cohort without having to travel to a specific physical location to meet. Instructional technologies (like Canvas) will be used to support the course.

Repetition of Courses

Repeating a course taken at GCCC, for which credit has already been earned, will cancel the grade and the credit previously awarded for that course; however, a record of the prior course will continue to appear on the transcript. Only the grade and credit from the most recent repeat of the course are used when computing the grade point averages. When a student has withdrawn from a repeated course, the transcript entry indicates “W” and the most recent letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) is used for the GPA calculation. If a course taken at another institution is repeated at GCCC, the grades are averaged, not cancelled, to compute the GPA calculations.

Transfer Courses

The Kansas Board of Regents approves courses for Systemwide Transfer (SWT) among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. A student who completes these courses at any Kansas public community college, technical college, or university can be certain that he or she can transfer that course to any other public institution offering an equivalent course. These courses are marked with a “T>” in this catalog.

For a list of all approved SWT courses, visit: www.kansasregents.org/academic_affairs/transfer-articulation

Academic Probation & Dismissal Appeal Process

Academic Probation

Academic Probation is a warning that the student’s performance is below that which is necessary for satisfactory academic progress. To avoid dismissal, the student’s cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) must be above the GPA outlined below for the subsequent semester after being placed on academic probation.

Academic probation is not meant to be viewed as punitive but is based on the philosophy that a student’s continued enrollment at Garden City Community College is dependent on making progress toward academic good standing.

Academic Probation is based upon the number of completed hours and cumulative GPA using the following structure:

  • 0-32 hours completed- if cumulative GPA is 1.5 or below then placed on probation
  • 33-48 hours completed-if cumulative GPA is 1.75 or below then placed on probation
  • 49 or more hours completed-if cumulative GPA is below 2.00, then placed on probation

Additionally, students who were enrolled full-time (12 hours or more) during the semester placed on academic probation are limited to 13 hours of enrollment. This allows for four academic courses and either College Success (PCDE-101) or Career Success (PCDE- 109) as well as the Project Success I-IV (PCDE-001/-002/-003/-004) course. Students who were enrolled part time (less than 12 hours) during the semester placed on probation are limited to 8 hours of enrollment. This allows for a minimum of two academic courses and either College Success or Career Success as well as the Project Success course.

Students must earn a “C” or higher in either College Success or Career Success or will retake the course until successful completion.

Students are removed from academic probation if, at the end of their probationary semester, their cumulative GPA is above the minimum academic structure listed above.

Students placed on academic probation who achieve a minimum of 2.0 GPA at the conclusion of the probationary semester, but do not yet meet the cumulative minimum academic standards in the structure listed above, will remain on academic probation.

If at the end of the probationary semester, students who fail to achieve a minimum of 2.0 GPA and fail to improve their cumulative GPA to the structure listed above, are placed on academic dismissal, during which time are automatically dropped from all pre-enrolled classes for the subsequent semester.

To continue taking classes at Garden City Community College, students placed on dismissal must meet with the Dean of Student Services and complete the dismissal appeals process for reinstatement to the College. If reinstated, at the end of the appeal semester, students failing to make satisfactory progress or improve the cumulative GPA to at least a 2.0, will be dismissed. Transfer students entering GCCC will follow the same guidelines outlined above.

Exemptions or special considerations are reviewed by the Academic Review Committee using the appeal process out lined. Students dismissed from GCCC for academic reasons may not re-enroll without permission of the Academic Review Committee. This policy also applies to those dismissed from other colleges who wish to transfer to GCCC. Refer to the Academic Probation Policy on the GCCC website.

Academic Dismissal Appeal Process

An appeal process is available to any student placed on Academic Dismissal. During the appeal process, a student is not allowed to enroll at GCCC. All appeals must occur in the following manner by the deadline specified in the Academic Dismissal letter or as indicated by the Dean of Student Services:

  1. The Application for Reinstatement must be completed, signed by the student, and submitted to the Dean of Student Services.
  2. The student must also submit a signed letter of appeal with an explanation of the extenuating circumstances, such as personal illness/injury, critical family illness or other situations of sufficient severity that may have adversely affected academic performance. This letter must also state the conditions that indicate a plan of improvement.
  3. Two letters of recommendation must be mailed directly to the Dean of Student Services. The letters must come from a college faculty or staff member, an academic advisor, or work supervisor(s). One letter of support may come from a family member.
  4. If the reason is personal illness/injury, a medical verification form must be completed by a physician. This form is available from the Dean of Student Services.
  5. The student must provide a degree audit from an academic advisor.
  6. Official College transcript(s) must be submitted to the Admissions Office.

The items listed above will be given priority if received in the office of the Dean of Student Services by:

  • June 1 for Summer enrollment
  • August 1 for Fall enrollment
  • November 1 for Spring enrollment

Dishonesty on any of the materials submitted to the Academic Review Committee is considered grounds for denial of reinstatement or admission to Garden City Community College.

The Academic Review Committee may schedule a hearing and will notify the student of the hearing date, time, and place. The student must be present at such hearing. The Committee shall either (1) readmit (admit) the student and allow to enroll in the upcoming session or (2) deny the student’s request to be readmitted (or admitted). A student’s failure to appear at the hearing waives the student’s right to appeal for that specific term of appeal.

Students who have been academically dismissed from any other post-secondary institution prior to seeking admission to GCCC, must present the same information listed above to the Dean of Student Services by the priority deadline date set. If readmitted, the student will be placed on Academic Probation for the first semester of enrollment and must meet the conditions for academic good standing thereafter. Students whose appeals of dismissal are denied by the Academic Review Committee may appeal directly to the Vice President for Instructional Services or designee. Such appeals must be made in writing to the Vice President for Instructional Services within one working day following denial by the Committee. Decisions by the Vice President for Instruction are final. If a student does not appeal or is denied readmission for one semester, the student has the right to appeal at a future date. The appeal process must be completed by the priority dates specified for the semester in which the student wishes to enroll.

The student seeking readmission to the College at a future date is solely responsible for knowing and meeting deadlines for the subsequent appeal. Students transferring from another college are reminded that enrollment is not official until all records are complete and official transcripts are submitted to the Admissions Office.

Reinstatement for a student who has been dismissed from GCCC (or for a transferring student who has been dismissed from another institution) is neither automatic nor guaranteed. A student may be reinstated only if clear and convincing evidence of probable academic success is provided. Refer to the Dismissal Appeal Policy on the GCCC website

Academic Renewal

The College permits students to petition for academic renewal on one semester’s course work completed at least five years prior to current enrollment. A student eligible for consideration may apply for Academic Renewal by petitioning the Registrar’s Office according to the following guidelines:

  1. Course work at Garden City Community College must have been taken five or more years prior to petitioning for renewal. None of the credits completed in the semester for which renewal is petitioned will count toward a degree.
  2. At the time of petitioning for Academic Renewal, the student must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours within the previous two years with an earned GPA of at least 2.0 at GCCC.
  3. A petition for Academic Renewal will not be considered if a degree has been earned subsequent to the semester in question.
  4. All course work will continue to appear on the transcript but the grades earned in the renewal semester will not be included in the student’s GCCC cumulative GPA.
  5. This policy refers to GCCC only. A student transferring from or to another institution will have to follow the other institution’s policy.
  6. Academic Renewal are granted for only one semester.
  7. Granting of Academic Renewal does not affect or alter a student’s record for financial aid awards or for athletic eligibility.

Honors Recognition

Outstanding scholastic work is recognized at the end of each semester through issuance of a President’s Honor Roll, which lists names of those who have earned a 4.0 grade point average for that semester. The Vice President’s Honor roll lists those who have earned a 3.2 to 3.999 grade point average. Honorable Mention is given to those with 3.0 to 3.199 grade point averages. To be eligible for honors recognition, a student must be enrolled in and receive grades in eight credit hours or more.

At commencement, excellence in scholarship is recognized. High Honors are awarded those with cumulative grade point averages of 3.6 or better, and Honors are awarded to those with 3.2 to 3.599 cumulative grade point averages.


A fee of $7 is charged for each official transcript requested. Faxed transcripts may be requested; however, these are considered Unofficial. No transcript is released for anyone who is financially indebted to the College. Transcripts are issued only on the student’s written request and after the appropriate transcript fee is paid. Transcripts may be requested online at www.getmytranscript.com. Those who desire to transfer to another institution of higher education should request the Registrar’s Office to forward the transcript directly to the admissions office of the institution they plan to enter. Official transcripts received from other institutions cannot be released to any individual or institution. Transcripts are sent by Federal Express only if an authorized account number is provided or if payment is made in advance to cover each transcript fee and actual express/shipping costs. Transcripts issued to the student are marked “Issued to Student” and are not considered to be official transcripts.

Records on Hold

If a student is delinquent on an account to the College, including but not limited to unpaid tuition and/or fees, unpaid housing contracts, non-return of scholarship books, non-returned athletic equipment or clothing, unpaid library fines or non-returned books or unpaid class supplies, a “hold” will be placed upon the student’s records by the College official in charge of that area. The records will only be sent by the Registrar’s Office with written authorization from the official who originally requested the hold that the obligation has been cleared or paid. Records of former students who are in default on Federal Loans taken while attending GCCC will also be placed on hold until the default status is satisfactorily resolved.

Student Records

A student has the right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data directly related to the student. This includes all material that is incorporated into the student’s cumulative record folder intended for college use or to be available to parties outside the College or school system. The material involved may specifically include, but is not necessarily limited to, identifying data, academic work completed, level of achievement (grades, standardized achievement test scores), attendance data, scores on standardized intelligence tests, aptitude/psychological tests, interest inventory results, health data, family background information, teacher or counselor ratings and observations, and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns.

Students are granted access to their personal College records within a period of 45 days after the request has been made. No records pertaining to the student shall be removed from the office where the records are maintained.

Students shall have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of their College records to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of students and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein.

No personal College records of a student are released to any person or agency outside the institution without the written consent of the student. A form shall be provided by the College for this purpose.

Collection of personally identifiable data specifically authorized by federal law shall not include information (including social security numbers) which would permit personal identification of students.

Student Privacy Rights

Official records are released only with the student’s knowledge and written consent in keeping with policies of the American Council on Education and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, with the following exceptions:

  1. School officials within the educational institution who have legitimate educational interests;
  2. At the student’s request, officials of schools at which the student intends to enroll;
  3. The Comptroller General of the United States, the U.S. Dept. of Education Secretary, the administrative head of the education agency, or the educational authorities;
  4. In connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid as necessary to determine the eligibility, amount, or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid;
  5. If required by a state law requiring disclosure that was adopted before November 19, 1974;
  6. Organizations or educational agencies conducting legitimate research, providing no personally identifiable information about the student is made public;
  7. To parents of an eligible student who claim the student as a dependent; and proof of which has been provided by means of income tax returns.
  8. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena;
  9. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency;
  10. Directory information so designated by the educational institution as follows:
    1. Name
    2. Address
    3. Telephone listing
    4. Electronic Mail Address (E-mail)
    5. Date and place of birth
    6. Major field of study
    7. Classification
    8. Participation in officially recognized college activities
    9. Sports - weight and height of athletic team members
    10. Dates of attendance
    11. Degrees or certificates earned
    12. Awards received
    13. Most recent previous educational institution attended
    14. Photograph

The College will publish Directory Information, collectively, or individually, UNLESS a student notifies the Registrar in writing to the contrary within ten (10) days of the semester in which the initial enrollment is made. If the student makes such notice, all Directory Information are withheld from publication.

Students may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe their rights under this law have been violated and efforts to resolve the situation have not proved satisfactory. Complaints should be addressed to: Director, Family Compliance Office, U.S. Dept. of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

Copies of the complete student records policy may be obtained upon request from the Registrar.

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens, 60 years or older and residents of Finney County, may receive a lifetime college activity pass allowing free admissions to regularly scheduled college related activities. Passes are issued by the President of the College. Tuition waivers for all GCCC credit courses, on a space available basis, are granted to Finney County senior citizens. Waivers are approved for credit (including pass/fail option) only. Audit courses do not qualify for tuition waivers. Fees must be paid by the senior student. The Tuition Waiver form is available in the Business Office.

Verification of Enrollment

Students needing verification of enrollment for the current semester should present forms to the Registrar’s Office after classes have been in session at least one week.

Student Conduct

NOTICE: Garden City Community College reserves the right to revise the Code of Conduct and other related policies at any time for any reason. At the time of printing, these policies were current, however, please check the on-line version on the Garden City Community College website for up-to-date revisions.

For full policy and procedure, refer to Student Handbook on the GCCC website.

Overview of College Conduct Process

Garden City Community College administrators, faculty, and staff respect and protect the rights of everyone at the College. To ensure the fair treatment of each individual, the College has established the following disciplinary process.

The main objectives of the disciplinary process are to protect members of the campus community from harm due to the indiscretion of those on campus who are unable or unwilling to respect the rights of others, and to assure students due process if they have been charged with violating College rules and regulations as listed in this Policy.

Violations of the Code of Conduct are a matter of concern to administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The Dean of Student Services is responsible for receiving reports of alleged violations of the Code of Conduct. This process applies to alleged violations of this Policy except for allegations of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and/or sexual misconduct which follow the resolution processes outlined in the Nondiscrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy.

Garden City’s Student Disciplinary Process is a four-step model that consists of the following stages: Preliminary Inquiry, Investigation and Initial Decision, Disciplinary Review Committee Hearing, and Appeal to the Vice President for Student Services.

Refer to the Student Handbook on the GCCC website.

Student Code of Conduct Purpose

Garden City Community College (hereinafter referred to as “GCCC” or “the College”) students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the information, policies, and procedures outlined in this document. The College reserves the right to revise the Code of Conduct and other related policies as necessary and once those changes are posted online, they are in effect. Students are encouraged to review all College policies to ensure they understand them. College policies are posted at: gcccks.edu/about_gccc/policies.aspx

The College community is committed to fostering a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, a productive campus life, and thoughtful study and discourse. At GCCC, student members of the community are expected to uphold and abide by certain standards of conduct that form the basis of the Student Code of Conduct. These standards are embodied within the set of core values.

When students fail to exemplify these values by engaging in conduct in violation of this Policy, campus conduct proceedings are used to assert and uphold the Student Code of Conduct.

The College assumes that all students are able and willing to maintain the standard of self-discipline appropriate for membership in a College community. The College’s student conduct process is not intended to punish students; rather, it exists to protect the interests of the community and to challenge those whose conduct is not in accordance with GCCC’s policies. Sanctions are intended to challenge students’ moral and ethical decision-making and to help them bring their behavior into accord with the College’s community expectations.

Discipline is the responsibility of the Vice President for Student Services. Disciplinary action may be initiated when a student’s conduct is determined to be dangerous to their health/well-being, infringes on others’ rights, damages College property, or any other situation which reflects negatively on the College community, programs, organizations, or activities. The College reserves the right to discipline students whose conduct is at any time unsatisfactory in the judgment of College officials, up to and including dismissal.

Prohibited Conduct

Refer to the GCCC website for all policy information.

As members of the College community, all students, student groups, and student organizations are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the policies and procedures of the College, federal state, and local laws, and city ordinances. Failure to comply with any of the rules/regulations governing the following areas may place a student in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and subject them to disciplinary action:

  • Alcohol and Drug Policy: In compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-690) and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), the College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or abuse of alcohol (as defined by these acts) by a student or employee on College property or at any College event or activity. No alcohol is allowed on College property or property controlled by the College without the prior written approval by the President or Board of Trustees. Violations of the Alcohol & Drug Policy and Prevention Program will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the College.
  • Bullying: includes repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior that is likely to intimidate or intentionally hurt, control, or physically or mentally diminish a Complainant, that is not speech or conduct that is otherwise protected by the First Amendment.
  • Computer Usage: Violations of the Computer Usage Policy or any computer lab policy. Violations of ethical standards and unauthorized or inappropriate use of computer such as, but not limited to, using other’s email without permission, downloading, viewing, or creating pornographic material, monopolizing hardware, software and/or printers for personal use (not College related), tampering with the College’s network security system, or any illegal activity that violates the laws of libel, copyright, trademark, or the Buckley Amendment.
  • Dishonesty: includes cheating, plagiarism, other areas of academic dishonesty, or intentionally giving false information to the College or College officials.
  • Disruptive Behavior: includes disorderly, indecent, or obscene conduct either in the classroom or on campus owned/operated facilities or properties on/at College sponsored events that significantly interferes with the academic mission or operations of the College.
  • Endangerment: includes any physical action, including hazing (further defined below), which intentionally or recklessly threatens the physical well-being, mental health, or safety of others.
  • Intimidation: Individual or group behavior which intentionally and substantially impinges upon or invades the rights of others. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, implied threats or acts that cause the Complainant reasonable fear of harm.
  • Hazing: includes acts likely to cause physical or psychological harm or social ostracism to any person within the College community, when related to the admission, initiation, pledging, joining a student organization or any other group affiliation activity.
  • Fireworks, Knives, and Prohibited Weapons: A Garden City ordinance prohibits the detonation of fireworks within city limits. Knives, explosives, air rifles/ pistols, pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, and bludgeon weapons are prohibited on College property, except as noted in the bullet below. The GCCC Campus Police Department will investigate all matters relating to these areas and violators may be prosecuted. Students may also receive discipline, which could include dismissal from the College for violations and/or threats involving weapons.
  • Guns, Firearms, or Other Permitted Weapons: In order to promote a safe and secure learning environment, GCCC prohibits the possession or use of weapons on campus and at off-campus College sponsored activities, other than as set forth below: In accordance with the Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act, K.S.A. 75-7c01, et seq, and other applicable federal/state laws, it is permissible and will not be a violation of this policy for the:
  1. Carrying of a concealed handgun on campus by legally qualified individuals, pursuant to Kansas law, and also in accordance with the concealed carry restrictions set forth below,
  2. Lawful carrying of a concealed handgun by an employee performing College duties at an off-campus activity, when in accordance with applicable laws/policies for such location,
  3. Lawful possession of a handgun within a personal/non-College vehicle,
  4. Lawful possession of weapons.

    Each individual who lawfully possesses a handgun on campus will be wholly and solely responsible for carrying, storing, and using that handgun in a safe manner and in accordance with the law and the GCCC Weapons Policy. Individuals who carry a handgun on campus must carry it concealed on or about their person at all times. “Concealed” means completely hidden from view in a way that does not reveal the handgun in any way. “About” the person means that an individual may carry a handgun if it can be carried securely in a suitable carrier, such as a backpack, purse, handbag, or other personal carrier designed and intended for the carrying of an individual’s personal items at all times. Moreover, the carrier must remain within the exclusive and uninterrupted control of the individual. This includes wearing the carrier with one or more straps consistent with the carrier’s design, carrying or holding the carrier or setting the carrier next to or within the immediate reach/control of the individual. It is a violation of this Policy to openly display any lawfully possessed handgun while on campus, except as permitted by law. All laws and regulations are strictly enforced to assure safety. For additional information, please refer to the GCCC Weapons policy, accessible at: https://www.gcccks.edu/about_gccc/policies/weapons_policy.pdf.
  • Gambling: by Kansas Statute 21-4303, gambling is illegal and is not permitted.
  • Smoking in Restricted Areas: All buildings owned and leased by GCCC are tobacco-free. Neither smoking nor chewing of tobacco is allowed except in approved designated smoking areas. Full policy accessible at: https://www.gcccks.edu/about_gccc/policies/tobacco-free_campus.pdf.
  • Theft/Vandalism: theft of or intentional damage to College property or the property of another may subject students to College disciplinary measures as well as legal action.
  • Traffic Laws and Regulations: All local and state regulations are in effect on campus 24 hours a day. In addition to the GCCC Campus Police Department, city, county, and state law enforcement agencies have jurisdiction on campus. All laws and regulations are strictly enforced to assure safety. Cars parked in the non-parking areas are subject to be towed and owners are responsible for towing/storage costs.
  • Violation of College Policy: conduct that would constitute a violation of any College policy, rule, or regulation (e.g., the Residential Life Handbook or Academic Catalog).

Athletic Code of Conduct

The athlete will not instigate, participate in, or condone inappropriate behavior from himself or another athlete. Inappropriate behavior is any behavior that draws unwanted attention to the athlete, the athlete’s teammates or to the College. Such attention is embarrassing to the athlete, the athlete’s parents, coaches and to the College. Involvement in an extra-curricular activity is a privilege, not a guaranteed right. Students are responsible for their own actions; if those actions are in violation of the athletic guidelines, then the student are held accountable.

Individual coaches have requirements/regulations for conduct on the practice area, during travel to and from competition and in competition. This Code of Conduct is not meant to infringe upon or detract from that right/responsibility. However, there are times and situations separate and removed from the immediate confines of practice and/or competition in which the athlete can and may be in violation. Students involved in inappropriate behavior are subject to certain disciplinary actions. All disciplinary actions and subsequent enforcements are cumulative for the entire time of enrollment at GCCC. Depending upon the behavior problem of the student, one or more of the following actions are taken by school officials:

  1. The coach will have the initial responsibility to take first disciplinary action.
  2. Action taken by the Disciplinary Committee may include, but not be limited to the following:
    1. Short-term suspension - Suspension from at least one regular season athletic contest.
    2. Long-term suspension - Suspension from at least 20% of the regular season athletic contests, up to the entire season with forfeiture of any future athletic scholarship at GCCC.
    3. Expulsion - Elimination from participation in all athletic activities while enrolled at GCCC. The athletic scholarship will also be forfeited for the remaining enrollment at GCCC.

An individual charged with a criminal offense, such as stealing, assault, battery, forgery, etc., may receive a minimum punishment of a long-term suspension.

Athletic Department Disciplinary Process

The objective of the Athletic Department disciplinary process is to protect constituents of the athletic program from jeopardy due to the impropriety of those with the athletic department who are unable or refuse to abide by the departmental rules and regulations.

Implementation of Disciplinary Process (For Athletics)

The Director of Athletics will review with the student athlete the nature of the complaint and the relevant evidence and testimony. When the investigation has been completed, the Director may convene the Disciplinary Action Committee. The Vice President for Student Services shall serve as ex-officio of this committee.

The Committee will consist of the following members:

  1. Involved Athlete’s Head Coach
  2. Athletic Director
  3. Assistant Athletic Director
  4. Member as Designated by the Athletic Director

The Committee will hear the evidence and rule on the complaint. The student-athlete involved must be present so he/she may present testimony or evidence on his/her behalf.

If the appropriate action taken by the Committee calls for the student-athlete to be penalized, the student are informed in writing with a statement describing the action taken.

Student Appeals Other than Disciplinary Areas

The Student and Academic Decisions

Academic decisions are made by Division Chairs, Dean of Academics, Dean of Technical Education and Workforce Development, and Vice President for Instructional Services . If a student believes that an academic decision is unfair, he/she may meet with the above personnel, in order of listing, who will review the student’s complaint and render a final decision.

Academic Ethics

GCCC assumes that all students are enrolled to learn and expects each individual to function as an ethical student. Integrity in the classroom is expected. Therefore, any cheating is at variance with the purposes of both the student and the institution. Any student dishonesty detected in a course (including during examinations or in submitting plagiarized materials) may result in the student receiving no credit for the examination, written work or quiz, and may result in an F grade, suspension and/or dismissal from the course. A violation of academic ethics includes:

  • Cheating on examinations, written quizzes, and other written work,
  • Plagiarism, which is defined as the use of another’s written work without appropriate recognition and citation, the use of another student’s work, the purchase and/or use of a paper that has already been prepared, the borrowing of an idea or phrase or the paraphrasing and/or summarizing of an idea without proper documentation, or the use of AI-generated material without instructor consent or appropriate citation,
  • Sharing sign-in credentials with someone or using log-in credentials that are not yours,
  • Giving assistance to another person during an examination,
  • Falsification of an academic record,
  • Obtaining or attempting to obtain copies of a noncirculated examination or examination questions,
  • Facilitating another student’s academic dishonesty.

Depending on the level of infraction and occurrence rate of academic dishonesty, the following disciplinary actions are possible if a student is determined to be guilty of academic dishonesty at the discretion of the instructor and relevant administration:

  • The student may be allowed to repeat the assignment or complete an alternative assignment. The student will be issued a warning and/or be provided counseling.
  • The student may be given a failing grade for the assignment.
  • The student may be given a failing grade for the course.
  • The student may be administratively withdrawn from the course and assigned an “XF” grade for the course. (An XF means failed for academic dishonesty and will remain on student transcript.)
  • The student may be administratively withdrawn from their program and college.

Students may refer to the college Appeals Policy on the college website, in the college catalog, and in the student handbook.

NOTE: In order to monitor multiple violations, the faculty member will document and submit to the office of the Dean of Academics and/or the Dean of Technical Education and Workforce Development all situations deemed of a serious nature. Multiple or extremely serious violations may result in dismissal from the College. The following issues should be considered when deciding upon appropriate discipline:

  • Nature of the alleged dishonesty
  • Prior warnings/violations
  • Impact on the student’s grade/progress in the course
  • Permanent impact on the student’s record
  • Student acknowledgment and recognition of the seriousness of the alleged behavior

If assigning a grade of “F” for the course, the faculty member should consult with the Dean of Academics prior to any disciplinary action. The student may also receive an “XF” grade on his/her transcript with the understanding that the “X” denotes academic dishonesty. The “X” will remain as a permanent part of the grade on the transcript. The instructor must follow this protocol if requesting an “XF.”

  1. The instructor will notify the Dean of Academics that significant academic dishonesty has occurred.
  2. The notification will include the following information:
    1. Name and ID number of the student or students involved
    2. Proof that academic honesty has occurred
    3. A description of any action already taken by the instructor
  3. Once the Dean has received this information, he/she will notify the student’s advisor and any sponsor or coaches with whom the student is associated of the breech in academic integrity. The Dean will review all evidence and make a decision on whether an “XF” are listed on the academic transcript.
  4. The Dean will maintain a file listing students whose names have been turned in for academic dishonesty.

The student may appeal the discipline assessed by the faculty and/or Dean of Academics as outlined in the College catalog and student handbook.

Refer to the Academic Ethics Policy on the GCCC website.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Students who have been charged with academic dishonesty have the right to appeal that action or decision and are guaranteed due process by the College. The academic appeals process allows students an opportunity to question academic behavior by administrators, faculty or other college staff/personnel. These appeals could be related to any academic concerns, including but not limited to grade appeals, class assignments, classroom policies, procedures or any related areas.

Procedures: Students are requested to discuss and attempt to resolve the matter directly with the faculty/staff member. If the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved at this level between the student and faculty/staff member, students are requested to discuss and attempt to resolve the matter with the appropriate Division Chair. If the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved at this level between the student and Division Chair, an appeal letter should be presented to the Dean of Academics for a solution. If the decision of the Dean of Academics is not satisfactory with either party, a written appeal may be presented to the Vice President for Instructional Services. The appeal to the Vice President must be submitted within 48 hours of receiving the decision. The Vice President will notify the student, in writing, of the final decision within seven (7) days.

Refer to the Appeals Policy on the GCCC website.

Grade Appeals Process

Students wishing to appeal a grade received should first meet with the instructor who issued the grade. If the student does not feel that the matter was resolved satisfactorily, the student may consult with the appropriate division chair in an attempt to resolve the matter. If the student still feels that the grade is in error, he/she may request a meeting with the Vice President for Instructional Services. The Vice President’s decision is final in the appeals process. 

Refer to the Appeals Policy on the GCCC website.

Student Grievance Appeals Process

Any GCCC student has the right to appeal what is perceived to be an unfair practice without fear of reprisal, abuse or other form of discouragement by the staff, faculty or administration. Such unfair practice may be registered by the student informally as an oral complaint (a recommended first step), or officially filed in writing.

The College encourages the resolution of all complaints through the most informal means and at the lowest possible administrative level. Whenever a complaint is made directly to the Board of Trustees as a whole or to a Board member as an individual, it is referred to the administration for study and possible resolution. This appeals procedure is designed for issues other than academic or disciplinary actions (previously addressed in this catalog). This process/procedure provides students with protection against unwarranted infringement of their rights. Such appeals may concern alleged violations of College policies, infringement of students’ rights and problems dealing with other students, college staff and faculty or College activities. The following procedures should be adhered to in order to ensure an appropriate resolution of a student complaint:

  1. The student should attempt to rectify the grievance with the individual in which the alleged violation occurred. If the grievance is not resolved with this individual, then consulting with the appropriate supervisor and attempting to resolve the grievance through informal discussions, the supervisor will inform the student, in writing, of any decision made and the reason for that decision.
  2. If the student feels that the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, he/she may submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Instruction and request a conference. The Vice President for Student Services will inform the student, in writing, of any decision made and the reason for making that decision.
  3. If the student still feels that the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, he/she may submit a written grievance to the President for review of the process. The President will respond in writing regarding the decision of whether the process for appeals was correctly followed within 10 days after the grievance is appealed.
  4. If a solution satisfactory to the grievant and/or the administration has not been reached through the above procedures, the grievant may appeal the same in writing to the Board of Trustees within ten (10) days after delivery of the President’s decision. The Board will review the grievance and the record of the above procedures at their next regularly scheduled meeting. Any pertinent evidence or argument which the grievantdesires to submit or which the Board deems necessary may be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Board will review the process and thereafter render its decision and submit a copy of the same in writing to the grievant within twenty (20) days followingthe next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Students concerned with the grievance procedure, after exhausting the College’s appeal procedure, may contact:

  • Consumer protection and/or fraud complaints may be filed with the Kansas Attorney General’s office.
  • Discrimination complaints may be filed with the Human Rights Commission
  • Complaints regarding State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) courses delivered by SARA member community colleges may be filed by students enrolled in those courses with the Kansas Board of Regents office.
  • Kansas Community Colleges are regionally accredited by the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission on Colleges and Universities (NCAHLC). Complaints regarding an institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Criteria of Accreditation may be filed by following the guidelines at https://www.hlcommission.org/HLC-Institutions/complaints.html.

Refer to the Student Complaint and Grievance Policy on the GCCC website.

Campus Environment & Official Compliance

Title IX - Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment

Garden City Community College does not discriminate against applicants, employees or students on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information or other non-merit reasons, or handicap, nor will sexual harassment or retaliation be tolerated, in its employment practices and/or educational programs or activities. Harassment is prohibited based on race, color, age, sex, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation or other factors which cannot be lawfully considered, to the extent specified by applicable federal and state laws. The Title IX Coordinator oversees the college’s efforts to comply with Title IX. Students, faculty and staff concerned about the above should contact Kellee Munoz, Title IX Coordinator, 620-276-9574, compliance@gcccks.edu, 801 Campus Drive, Garden City, Kansas 67846. Individuals with complaints of this nature also have the right to file a formal complaint with the United States Department of Education:  Office of Civil Rights (OCR), 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-1100, phone number (800) 421-3481, email at OCR@ed.gov.

No student shall engage in discrimination/harassment of another student on campus or off campus; no one shall engage in discrimination/harassment of an employee of the College as defined by College policy. All such reports are investigated in accordance with procedures developed pursuant to Section106.8 of Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972. This includes:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of academic success; or
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions, affecting either the instructor or staff member; or
  3.  Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the instructor, student or staff member’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Persons violating this policy will face student discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion. Any person believing that he or she has been subject to unlawful harassment, as set forth in this policy, should utilize the Discrimination or Harassment Complaint Procedure, as found in the Student Handbook.

For more information regarding the Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment policy, please see the Student Handbook or visit the College website at: www.gcccks.edu/about_gccc/title_ix_compliance.aspx

Drug/Alcohol-Free Campus

GCCC has long recognized that an academic community is harmed in many ways by the abuse of alcohol and the use of other drugs. This high-risk behavior is exemplified by decreased productivity of members of the community, serious health problems, strained social interactions as well as forms of vandalism. Problems associated with the illicit use and abuse of substances have a pervasive impact upon the academic community and are not associated with a single socioeconomic group or age level. The processes of education and learning are especially impaired by alcohol abuse and the use of illicit drugs. GCCC subscribes to the basic philosophy of the Network of Colleges and Universities Committed to the Elimination of Drug and Alcohol Abuse:

  1. The institutional establishment enforces clear policies that promote an educational environment free from the abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
  2. The institution will provide education for its members for the purpose of preventing alcohol and other drug abuse as well as educating them about the use of legal drugs in ways that are not harmful to self or others.
  3. GCCC will create an environment that promotes and reinforces healthy responsible living; respect for community laws; campus standards and regulations; the individual’s responsibility within the community; and the intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual or ethical, and physical well-being of its community members.
  4. The institution will provide for a reasonable level of care for alcohol and drug abusers through counseling, referral and treatment. The foundation of the philosophy concerning alcohol and drug abuse for GCCC is the firm commitment to an educational program which provides the adequate information and counseling to help all members of the academic community to make informed and responsible decisions concerning the use of any controlled substance. The institution is committed to a healthy environment for learning and living.

Student Accommodations


  1. Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  2. Title II, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


Garden City Community College is not required to provide you with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) as is required of elementary and secondary schools. GCCC is required to provide you with appropriate academic adjusments as necessary to ensure that it does not discriminate against you on the basis of a disability. GCCC is an open admissions postsecondary institution that may not deny you admission bases solely on a disability.

Refer to the Accommodations Policy on the GCCC website.

Student’s Right-to-Know/Campus Security Act

GCCC adheres to the Student’s Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act (Public Law 101-542). Current statistics are available upon request through the Admissions Department, the Athletic Director’s office or on the College website under Campus Safety and Security.

Graduation Rate

The four-year completion or graduation rate for students who entered Garden City Community College fall 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 as first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students was 41%. The four-year successful transfer-out rate for other students (non-graduates) in the same cohort groups was 23%. The persistence rate accounted for 64% of the four-year cohort groups. (2023-24 Graduation Rate Survey)

Crime Statistics

Campus crime statistics for the most recent three academic years are listed and categorized in the most recent Garden City Community College Student Handbook.
Current or prospective students interested in obtaining further information should contact the Vice President for Student Services Office located in the Student and Community Services Center.

Campus Crime Disclosure Act

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, GCCC collects and reports specific information on campus crime statistics, campus security policies and is required to inform the campus community where information concerning registered sex offenders can be obtained. This information as well as a link to the KBI’s Registered Offenders List can be accessed on the College’s website (www.gcccks.edu) or by directly going to the KBI site at www.accesskansas.org/kbi/ro.shtml. To obtain a printed copy of the report, contact Campus Police at 620-272-6828.

Face Coverings/COVID-19 Pandemic

The top priority of Garden City Community College is the safety and health of students, staff, and the community. GCCC asks that you continue to be vigilant and help decrease the spread of COVID-19 by washing hands, social distancing, wearing a face mask in public places, getting vaccinated, and staying home if you are not feeling well.

The College will continue to monitor the COVID situation on our campus and in our community and will be prepared to implement a mask mandate if the situation warrants. A multi-phased Healthy and Safe Campus Plan has been developed through extensive discussion between the GCCC COVID Committee and the Finney County Health Department (FCHD), with considerations given to rapidly evolving medical guidance, increasing community positivity rate, and the goal of slowing the spread to protect the campus
and community.

  • Phase 1 policy is “Masks Appreciated”
  • Phase 2 policy is “Masks Required for All in Classrooms and Learning Environments and Student Life Programming Events Held Indoors. Masks Appreciated Elsewhere Indoors”
  • Phase 3 policy is “Masks Required for All on Campus when Indoors”

Student Peaceful Assembly and Forum

As a public educational institution in Kansas, the buildings, facilities and grounds of the College are dedicated to education and the fulfillment of the College’s approved mission to provide high quality instruction and make original contributions to the knowledge and human understanding of its students. The public character of the College does not grant to individuals an unlimited license to engage in activity which limits, interferes with, or otherwise disrupts the normal activities for and to which the College’s buildings, facilities and grounds are dedicated and said buildings, facilities and grounds are not available for unrestricted use by non-College groups. The time, place and manner regulations are intended to balance the College’s responsibility to fulfill its mission as an educational institution in Kansas with the interests of non-College groups who are interested in coming onto the campus of the College for purposes of constitutionally protected speech, assembly or expression.

Refer to Student Peaceful Assembly and Forum Policy on the GCCC website.

Statements of Non-discrimination/Equal Opportunity

Garden City Community College does not discriminate against applicants, employees, or students on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information or other non-merit reasons, or handicap, nor will sexual harassment or retaliation be tolerated, in its employment practices and/or educational programs or activities. Harassment is prohibited based on race, color, age, sex, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, or other factors which cannot be lawfully considered, to the extent specified by applicable federal and state laws. The Title IX Coordinator oversees the college’s efforts to comply with Title IX.   Students, faculty and staff concerned about the above should contact Kellee Munoz, Title IX Coordinator, (620) 276-9574, compliance@gcccks.edu , 801 Campus Drive, Garden City, Kansas, 67846, or Alexis Saenz, Director of Human Resources, (620) 276-0362, alexis.saenz@gcccks.edu , 801 Campus Drive, Garden City, Kansas, 67846.

ADA/Equal Access

Garden City Community College is complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and is committee to equal and reasonable access to facilities and programs for all employees, students, and visitors. Those with ADA concerns, or those who need special accommodations, should contact the Accommodations Coordinator, Garden City Community College, 801 Campus Drive, Garden City, KS 67846, 620-276-9638, accommodations@gcccks.edu