Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2026 Academic Catalog 
2024-2026 Academic Catalog

Student Assistance & Services

Student Services

The mission of the Student Services Division is to provide quality services that prepare students for learning and to participate as partners in the student learning experience. The professional staff of the Division of Student Services counsels with students and student organizations to provide meaningful activity programs and also to implement the vision of the College in assisting to provide positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.

Students are encouraged to visit the Student Services Offices for counseling, advising or consultation concerning any questions, concerns or problems. The Vice President for Student Services, the Financial Aid Offices, and the Admissions and the Records Offices are located in the Student and Community Services Center. The College Health Nurse, Activities Coordinator, and Residential Life Offices are located in the Beth Tedrow Student Center. The Family Crisis Office and The Assessment and Testing Center are located in the SCSC. The Accommodations Coordinator and TRIO/Student Support Services are located in the Saffell Library.

Salmans Advising Center

The Salmans Advising Center is also located in Student and Community Services Center. The Center assists all students in enrolling in their first semester at GCCC. Deciding, exploratory, and non-degree seeking students will be assigned an academic advisor in the Salmans Advising Center. The professional advising staff members provide assistance to students with interpreting academic placement, enrollment restrictions, course selection, degree options, transfer information, and related academic guidance information. The staff also guides students in setting practical and realistic academic and career goals. Endowed by funds from M.K. and Agnes Salmans, this Center provides each student the professional assistance necessary to insure the opportunity for student success.

Procedures for Granting Accommodations

Garden City Community College is dedicated to the belief that students with disabilities should have equal opportunity to develop and extend their skills and knowledge. We strive to maintain a least-restrictive environment and provide appropriate support services necessary to ensure access to our educational programs. We encourage you to communicate your needs and utilize available resources.

Refer to the Accommodations Policy on the GCCC website.

Services and Accommodations Provided by GCCC

Documentation of the disability must be submitted to provide evidence of the need for accommodations. They are reviewed to determine what accommodations are approved. Reasonable services and accommodations are provided to enrolled students on an individual basis and with respect to confidentiality.

How to Receive Accommodations

  1. Prior to enrolling in classes at GCCC, contact the Coordinator of Disability Services. The Coordinator is the person designated by the College to review requests for services and accommodations related to disabilities and to engage in an interactive dialog with students to determine eligibility. You will need to request accommodations in writing before the beginning of each semester. You may call 620-276-9638 or stop by the Saffell Library and ask for the Coordinator of Disabilities.
  2. Provide documentation (psychological, educational, or medical evaluations) IEP or Section 504.
    You may submit the documentation in person, mail or email to:
    Garden City Community College
    Attn: Coordinator of Accommodations
    801 Campus Dr Garden City, KS 67846
  3. Once your written request for accommodations plus your documentation is received, the Coordinator will review your request and documents to determine eligibility. If it is determined you are eligible for accommodations you are provided a letter of notification regarding accommodations that have been granted. If it is determined that based on the written request and documentation you are not eligible for accommodations, the Coordinator will communicate directly to you why your request or documentation is insufficient for eligibility in order to determine if you can submit additional information that may meet eligibility requirements.
  4. It is also recommended, that, if you are granted accommodations, after you have arranged your schedule for the semester and prior to the first day of classes, arrange a meeting with each of your instructors to give him/her your accommodations letter and to discuss your accommodations specific to their class. We recommend that you meet with instructors during office hours or after class.
  5. The Coordinator of Disabilities will also contact each of your instructors about the accommodations granted.

Testing Center

GCCC students complete a skills assessment to determine course placement. Degree-seeking students are required to take the Accuplacor Test, or have ACT scores submitted directly from ACT. The student’s placement assessment and/or ACT scores determine if the student is prepared to succeed in the required English and math courses or if he/she would benefit from developmental course preparation before advancing to the required college level courses. In order to meet special admission requirements for specific programs, students may also be required to complete the Michigan Placement Test and/or Nelson-Denny Reading Test.

The Assessment Center takes individual appointments for exam proctoring and participates in the following state, college admission and professional testing programs: ACT, SAT, CLEP, Kryterion, Pearson Vue, Praxis & School Leadership Series, Prometric, and RETA. To obtain further information contact the Mary Jo Williams Assessment Center located in the Student and Community Services Center.

Books and Supplies

College textbooks may be purchased in the Broncbuster Bookstore located in the Student Center by the cafeteria entrance. Regular hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Special evening hours are in effect during rush periods. Scholarship books are checked out through the bookstore and are to be returned at the end of each semester.


BusterWeb is the online access to student academic information, including class schedules, grades, and unofficial transcripts. To access BusterWeb go to the GCCC website (www.gcccks.edu), select current students and then BusterWeb.

Campus Police Department

The GCCC Police Department, located in the Student and Community Services Center, is an integral part of the College’s dedication to developing and maintaining a safe and secure campus through the cooperative efforts of many college departments. Charged with ensuring safety and security for GCCC, the unit strives to fulfill its responsibility to each member of the College community by providing quality services. In addition to enforcing the laws on campus, they also provide valuable services to students such as vehicle unlocks, jumpstarts, engraving, bicycle identification, and escorts.

Comprehensive Learning Center

The Mary Jo Williams Comprehensive Learning Center (CLC) exists to assess, support, and enhance the academic achievement of those it serves. The CLC is located within the Main Reading Room of Saffell Library. Staffed by a team of professional educators, paraprofessionals and peer tutors, the learning environment is friendly, relaxed, and supportive. Free assistance is available on a walk-in basis to students seeking support in math and science courses. Access to tutors is also available during regular hours of operation through Zoom. The CLC has about 50 computers for use in word processing, course tutorials, web-based research, printing, or email. Students and instructors also find this a convenient place to use audio and video course supplements, programmed texts, and other special instructional materials. Individual or group study spaces are scattered throughout the Main Reading Room, creating a variety of study opportunities for different types of learners. Check campus signage for up-to-date hours of operation.


A licensed professional counselor is available for educational,occupational and personal counseling. The counselor is located in the Student and Community Services Center. Students who are undecided about the career they would like to pursue can benefit from completing personality and interest inventories such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Clifton Strengths or the Strong Interest Inventory. These tools and other activities can help expand an individual’s self-knowledge and generate appropriate ideas about lifestyle and career choice.

Counseling also offers students strategies to face and overcome difficult life transitions and circumstances as well as foster the development of clear and meaningful goals.

Health Services

The College employs a Registered Nurse. The Student Health Office is located in the northwest corner of the Beth Tedrow Student Center and is open to all students and employees. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Services offered through the health office include health assessment, pregnancy testing, weight and blood pressure checks, vaccinations (including annual influenza shots), nutrition counseling, community healthcare referrals, health/ wellness education, prevention issues, literature distribution and general first aid. Over-the-counter medications are available through the Student Health Center. For information on other services through the Student Health Office, please contact the nurse. All records and conversations are strictly confidential.

Health and Hospital Protection

The College does not offer a student health insurance program. Students who do not have health and hospitalization protection covered by their parents, spouses or employers are responsible for their own health insurance coverage, and the College assumes no responsibility for health insurance plans. Information on individual student health insurance plans is available from the Student Health Nurse and on the College website (www.gcccks.edu) listed under Student Health.

On-Campus Housing

On-campus living facilities for 540 students provide a living/learning environment which is part of the College. All students who need to locate housing in order to attend the College should contact the Residential Life Office at 620-276-9516 for full information concerning on-campus availability.

Residence Hall Application

To apply for the Residence Halls, students will find the application process online through the Residential Life webpage at https://www.gcccks.edu/student_life/residential_life.aspx.

Residence Policies

All policies pertaining to campus residency are based on the assumption that the student body is made up of responsible men and women. Policies are not intended to be restrictive, but rather realistic procedures which protect the rights of individuals and those of the College. Each resident will have a health and immunization form completed and on file with the Residential Life Office Manager and in the Student Health Services Office. Students who live in the Residence Halls should acquaint themselves with residency policies and provisions of the Residence Hall Contract and the Residential Life Handbook. In the event of violations of the residency policies, the College reserves the right to terminate the housing contract.

Off-Campus Housing

A list of off campus housing is maintained in the Residential Life Office when the residence halls are filled to capacity. Students are responsible for taking proper care of furniture and facilities in off-campus housing. GCCC assumes no responsibility in any matter and/or issue between students and landlords.

Meal Plans

Several meal ticket plans are available to off-campus students desiring to eat their meals in the cafeteria. Interested students should contact the Food Service Director (located in the cafeteria or the Residential Life office) for hours of operation, meal prices and plans available.

Thomas F. Saffell Library

Saffell Library is centrally located and considered the academic hub of campus, maintaining print and electronic collections that support the multiple disciplines and curricula offered by GCCC. With its dozens of subscription databases students can search millions of periodical citations and discover a wide range of full text articles through multiple journals, magazines, newspapers, and other electronic references. Saffell Library also has a large print monograph collection arranged in open stacks for convenient use and browsing.

Student facilities include study tables and quiet rooms for individual and group meetings, along with 40+ individual study carrels, each housing its own computer. The library is Wi-Fi enabled so students are encouraged to bring their own devices. Library staff offer formal and informal instruction for using information resources effectively, efficiently and ethically. Also located in the building is the Mary Jo Williams Comprehensive Learning Center. For library hours and additional information please refer to the website https://www.gcccks.edu/academics/library.aspx

Beth G. Tedrow Student Center

The Beth Tedrow Student Center provides additional opportunities for students and community members. Services include eating facilities, study areas, recreational activities, etc. Located in the Center: Cafeteria, Broncbuster Bookstore, student organization meeting areas, and a movie theatre. Offices housed in the Center include the Student Government Association; Student Activities Coordinator; College Health Nurse; National Guard Office; Residential Life staff including the Director, Supervisor, and the Office Manager. Additional meeting rooms, the Endowment Room, the Bill Kinney Room, and the Broncbuster room, are available and may be scheduled for campus and community group use.

Students, employees and community members are encouraged to visit the Center, to meet with friends, watch TV and movies, and to participate in activities such as billiards, ping-pong, foosball, video games, etc. In addition to the indoor attractions, basketball, sand volleyball, the first hole of the 18-hole Frisbee golf course, and horseshoes areas are located on the west side of the Center. Student activity fees help fund the Center.

New Student Orientation

GCCC provides an opportunity for new students and parents to get acquainted with services and resources available. The interactive format is designed to ease students into the College environment and answer any questions that may arise. New Student Orientation is mandatory for students new to GCCC (freshman and transfer students). Online orientation is available for fully online students.

Student Retention/Academic Success

GCCC takes a proactive approach to student retention by alerting advisors and instructors of behaviors and patterns that lead to student attrition. The Director of Advising along with advisors, instructors and coaches work as a team to monitor student progress and provide students with the support they need to be successful at GCCC.

Student Employment Opportunities

On-campus jobs are available for qualified students through the Financial Aid Office. The jobs are financed either through federally funded Work-Study programs or the College.

Off-campus employment opportunities are listed through the Counseling/Career Resources Center located in the Student and Community Services Center. Students seeking employment can receive assistance in learning about available positions, interviewing skills, resume writing, and other job readiness skills.

Student Scholarships and Other Financial Assistance

Financial aid to students is funded by the College, donors to the College Endowment Association, the Broncbuster Athletic Association, and state and federal government funded programs. The aid consists of scholarships, grants, loans and work study opportunities. Scholarships may be obtained by students who maintain above average grades, who show leadership qualities and/or excellence in extra-curricular activities. Information on scholarships and grant-in-aid is available in the Financial Aid Office, also located in the Student and Community Services Center.

Service Members Opportunity College

Garden City Community College is a designated member of Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC), a group of approximately 400 colleges and universities providing voluntary postsecondary education to members of the military throughout the world. SOC is jointly sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).

TRIO Programs

TRIO is a set of federally funded College opportunity programs that motivate and support students from populations who do not routinely have the opportunity to pursue college degrees. Over 850,000 low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities from sixth grade through college graduation are served by more than 2,800 programs nationally. TRIO programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for educational access and retention. TRIO programs provide direct support services to students and relevant training for college personnel.

The TRIO programs were the first national college access and retention programs to address the serious social and cultural barriers to education in America. TRIO began as a part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. The Educational Opportunity Act of 1964 established an experimental program known as Upward Bound. Then, in 1965, the Higher Education Act created a Talent Search. Finally, another program, Special Services for Disadvantaged Students (later known as Student Support Services), was launched in 1968. Together, this “trio” of federally funded programs encouraged access to higher education for low income students. By 1998, TRIO programs had become a vital pipeline to opportunities serving traditional students, displaced workers, and veterans. The original three programs had grown to eight, adding Educational Opportunity Centers in 1972, Training Program for Federal TRIO programs in 1976, the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program in 1986, Upward Bound Math/Science in 1990, and the TRIO Dissemination Partnership in 1998.

The Student Support Services (SSS)

The Student Support Services (SSS) project works with participants to help them increase their grade point average, continue to attend classes from one semester to the next, graduate from GCCC, and transfer to a 4-year college or university. The project also works to foster an institutional climate at GCCC which is supportive of success for students who are from low-income backgrounds, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities.

SSS participants are provided with academic, career, personal, transfer, and financial aid/budgeting counseling. The participant works with staff to develop a Personal Success Plan for each semester to assure the student has a viable plan to meet their academic and personal goals. Students are provided with the opportunity to participate in cultural activities both on and off-campus. They can select a four-year college or university to visit in Kansas. Campus visits assist participants to transfer to a four-year school to complete a bachelor’s degree. SSS has graphing calculators for participants to check out on a semester-by-semester basis. The program also has school supplies for participants. Tutors and paraprofessionals are available to assist participants to succeed in their coursework. Award recognition events are held twice a year to celebrate student success and achievements. Social events are held throughout the year to help foster relationships between SSS participants and GCCC faculty and staff.

If you are a student from a low income or first generation background or student with a disability, please email SSS@gcccks.edu or any staff member for additional information about becoming a program participant. Our offices are located in the Saffell Library. The SSS project is primarily funded through a competitive grant from the United States Department of Education. As of September 1, 2017, the Department of Education provides 95% and GCCC provides 5% plus generous in-kind support. SSS serves 200 GCCC students each year.

CAMP Scholarship Program

The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) is a unique, federally-funded educational support and scholarship program through the U.S. Department of Education. It provides scholarships to students from migrant and seasonal farm-working backgrounds to attend and succeed in college.

CAMP Participants receive financial assistance during their freshman year of college and ongoing academic support until their graduation.


  • High School Diploma or GED (GPA 2.5 or above)
  • Migrant or Seasonal Farm-working background- jobs in meat packaging, field work, elevators, feedlots, dairies, or food processing.
  • U.S. Citizen or U.S. Permanent Legal Resident
  • Complete FAFSA
  • Enrolled or admitted for enrollment at GCCC.

Students qualify for services if parents (or guardians) or students themselves, are migrant workers in the agricultural, dairy, lumber, or fishing industries and whose families have moved, as per federal guidelines. For more informationcontact Itzel Rodriguez, Regional Site Coordinator for CAMP at GCCC, Saffell Library office #1119, 620-275-3232.

Veteran’s Service

Programs of educational benefit to veterans and war orphans are coordinated through the Kansas Commission on Veterans’ Affairs. The College is approved for veteran training. Both full-time and part-time benefits are available. In order to qualify for full benefits, an undergraduate veteran or war orphan must carry a minimum of 12 hours of credit each semester. Pay rates for summer sessions are determined on an equivalency basis. Students expecting V.A. benefits must contact the V.A. representative in the Registrar’s Office by phone at 620-276-9605 or by email at VAREP@gcccks.edu.

Writing Center

The Writing Center exists to assist students with writing projects for any GCCC class. Trained tutors are available to work with students at every stage of the writing process: brainstorming topic ideas, writing outlines, conducting academic research, revising, and editing. Tutors also provide feedback and suggestions on organization and development. A large variety of helpful handouts serve as references to student writers on grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. The Writing Center is located in the Pauline Joyce Fine Arts building. Students can find the tutoring schedule and access helpful resources on Canvas.

Student Activities & Organizations

(refer to Student Handbook for contact information)

Art Club

Garden City Community College Art Club exists to provide opportunities for participation in art-centered exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and demonstrations in Southwest KS. The club provides GCCC students the opportunity to expand their creative knowledge through service and travel. Participants create a diverse and supportive artistic community while serving as ambassadors of the arts to GCCC and Southwest Kansas. GCCC Art Club unites like-minded students to encourage formation of arts centered communities through numerous events and demonstrations. GCCC Art Club provides members the opportunity to experience visual arts and culture by traveling to see contemporary and historical art not available in our local community.

Association of Nursing Students

This is the official organization for students in the nursing and pre-nursing courses. The association acts as an information group, stimulates interest in the profession and promotes participation in campus and community projects. ANS is also active in sponsoring an annual pinning ceremony in conjunction with GCCC graduation.


The College sponsors intercollegiate participation in football, baseball, basketball, cross country, esports, track and field, golf, soccer and rodeo for men, and volleyball, basketball, rodeo, cheer, dance, soccer, softball, cross country, esports, and track and field for women. The College is a member of the Kansas Jayhawk Community College Conference and the National Junior College Athletic Association. The athletic program is designed to provide competition in sports for any student who can qualify for the teams and who meets College, conference, and national association requirements. Physical conditioning, teamwork and cooperation, competitiveness, mental discipline, and spectator enjoyment are among the objectives of the program.

Athletic Training/Sports Medicine

Garden City Community College Sports Medicine Department offers the opportunity to gain clinical shadowing and hands-on skills experience in the field of athletic training. This program serves to advance the education of students that are pursuing degrees in the medical field. It lends well to those seeking careers in athletic training, physical therapy, exercise science, health education/research, nursing, EMT/paramedic, and others. Students of the program assist the certified athletic trainers in the treatment and care of student-athletes across 17 NJCAA teams on campus. Those that join have the chance to learn first-aid, emergency care, injury evaluation and treatment techniques, functional anatomy, and much more. Students provide medical coverage at practices and games and may have the opportunity to travel with our athletic teams to conference, regional, and national events. Academic scholarships are available to those that qualify (grade point average and time commitment requirements will apply).

Band/Instrumental Music/Marching Band/Orchestra

Membership is open to all students for one hour of credit per semester. Previous experience and a desire to contribute to campus life are requirements for prospective members. Ensembles, with the other College musical organizations, makes an annual tour of Southwest Kansas high schools in the spring.

Block and Bridle

A nationally recognized agriculture organization, membership is open to all students wishing to learn more about agriculture, agriculture careers and/or to further develop agricultural skills. This club meets combined with Collegiate Farm Bureau.


As part of the two separate federal grants, GCCC grants Bridges and LSAMP scholarships for STEM majors. Each student must work on a small research project throughout the academic year and develop a research proposal for submissions to a research conference. Additionally, students receive tutoring, advising, and work experience as lab assistants as needed.

Choir/Vocal Music

Choir is open to all students who enroll in the class and they may qualify to receive a scholarship as well. The College choir presents three major performances as well as several other public appearances throughout the year. Participants in choir have many opportunities for rewarding musical experiences.

Criminal Justice Competition

Team Members of the Criminal Justice Competition Team are selected on grades, leadership abilities and involvement. Members must be a criminal justice majors and become a member of the American Criminal Justice Association/Lambda Alpha Epsilon, which sponsors regional and national competitions. Kansas criminal justice programs also sponsor additional in-state competitions during the year. The team has been successful at state, regional and national levels in all of the competition categories including written tests, crime scene investigation, physical agility, and firearms. GCCC’s competition team has won numerous regional awards and three national championships.


Esports offers traditional and non-traditional students a unique and new opportunity to be involved with GCCC through competitive gaming. We offer all the fun of traditional gaming added with the experience of maintaining healthy, successful students for their future endeavors.

Farm Bureau Collegiate Program

Kansas Farm Bureau’s Collegiate Farm Bureau program offers students the ability to enhance their leadership skills through experiences and opportunities within the Farm Bureau organization to become agricultural leaders.

Forensics & Debate/Phi Rho Pi

The forensics and debate program is open to all students who wish to hone their interpretive performance and critical thinking skills. The organization is open to all majors and has available scholarships. Teams compete in 6 to 8 competitions per academic year.

GC3 Student Media

See your work in print and online. Be a part of a group while learning multimedia design, reporting, videography, video and audio editing, public relations, marketing, and sports media. Help students, faculty, and staff by telling them about breaking news that affects their lives or giving them a voice. Work in a state-of-the-art media lab to produce multimedia for the campus and community. Learn marketable skills in both your specific subject area as well as in management and human relations.

Join the hundreds of GC3 Media alumni who got their start with GC3 Media and are now media managers, editors, writers, graphic designers, on-air talent, public relations specialists, salespeople, and many other occupations.

Students must enroll in Media Production I, II, III, IV (COMM-121, 114, 203 or 204) and will receive course credit and a grade for their participation. In addition, students are eligible for scholarships. Jobs are available at skill levels ranging from basic to highly technical; compensation is commensurate with the skill level and time commitment required.

Jobs with GC3 Media are available for students without regard to major. Although many of the students are Communication majors, other students are studying Art, Education, Computer Science, English, etc. All staff members are required to be full-time students at GCCC and must be in good standing, with a 2.5 minimum grade point average.


The Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO) exists to nurture and encourage the leadership skills of young adults. HALO promotes Hispanic leadership within our culture and community by pursuing higher education. HALO offers the opportunity to participate in social, economic, and political issues. HALO welcomes all students.


An intramural athletic program is available for students who wish to participate. The program, operated by the Student Activities Coordinator, offers various activities including basketball, dodge ball, sand volleyball, wallyball, volleyball, basketball, flag football, racquetball, softball, tennis, ultimate Frisbee, etc. Student interest may provide for additional activities.

Meat Judging Team

The GCCC meat judging team dates back to 1987 on this campus. Overall, meat judging was started as a way for students to utilize industry concepts and equations to compete with other Colleges and universities with an animal science curriculum. Many industry leaders look for the career traits that meat judging team members have, including decisionmaking, note-taking, communication, and time management skills. Team members are awarded a scholarships for two years. The team has won National Championships (2003, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2020), Reserve National Championships (2001, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2018, and 2019), the Australian Championship (2014) and the team has had 33 All-American’s since the award was developed in 2002. The team travels around the country, judging on a calendar year basis, to anywhere between 5 and 8 national contests each year.

Phi Theta Kappa

The national honor society for two-year colleges promotes scholarship, fellowship, and service for students who are invited to membership. Students who earn a 3.5-4.0 cumulative grade point average and who have completed twelve hours toward a degree program are invited to membership each semester. Active chapter members participate in the Honors Study, chapter social activities, and service projects for the campus and community. Opportunities are also available for participation in activities with other chapters on the state and national level. Members of the Garden City Community College Alpha Xi Upsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa are recognized at graduation and in several activities during the year on campus.


PRISM is an acronym for Promoting Respect and Inclusion of Social Minorities. This organization is to promote awareness, understanding, and tolerance of gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, questioning, and transgender issues at the GCCC campus and GC community through advocacy, social activities, and community service. PRISM holds numerous events throughout the year that focus on fun, education, and travel in support of social minorities.

Quiz Bowl Team

Collegiate Quiz Bowl (Quizards) is a traveling team, similar to Scholars Bowl. The team competes with other community colleges across the state and in national tournaments throughout the fall and spring semesters. Tournaments can include topics from community college curricula, including literature, social and physical sciences, math, geography, art, music, history, pop culture, current events, and sports. Scholarships are available for players.

Science & Math Club

The Science and Math Club at Garden City Community College exists to promote knowledge and appreciation of science and math among GCCC students. The club promotes science and math through activities and events, such as demonstrations for students, learning how to use and then using 3D printers and software, and attending community events with science-related activities. The club is open to any student interested in science and math or related fields.

Spirit Squad

The college sponsors a spirit squad that is a combination of both a cheer and dance team. The squad cheers at all home football, basketball, and volleyball games as well as select postseason match-ups. The program is very visible and involved in different community events.

Student Activities Committee

Scholarships are offered for those students willing to work an average of twelve hours a week at the Student Center and assist in the advertising and overseeing of student activities. All full-time students are encouraged to apply. Students must also maintain a 2.0 GPA. Past SAC events include: Make-It Take -It Tuesdays, pool tournaments, bowling, free week-before-finals massages, movie nights, and intramural activities.

Student Government Association (SGA)

SGA is the student representative governing body of the College. It meets each week for discussion of campus activities, problems, and necessary improvements. Members are elected to the association from the student body. Students are encouraged to participate in both the SGA and the activities it sponsors.

Tau Epsilon Lambda

Persons who are actively engaged in the field of criminal justice and students who are criminal justice majors are eligible for membership.