Jan 20, 2025  
2024-2026 Academic Catalog 
2024-2026 Academic Catalog

Catalog Disclaimer

Catalog Disclaimer Information

The Garden City Community College catalog is not a contract but rather a guide for the information and convenience of students. The College reserves the right to change or withdraw courses, to change the fees, rules and calendar for admissions, registration, instruction, and graduation, and to change other regulations affecting the student body, at any time. The College reserves the right to change policies or revise curricula as necessary. If the College decides to terminate a degree or certificate program, students enrolled in that program are provided written notice.

Student Responsibility for Catalog

Each student is responsible for knowing the information printed in this Catalog. Failure to read these regulations will not be considered an excuse for noncompliance. Please check the GCCC Student Handbook for additional information. The Student Handbook places full responsibility on the student for registering for appropriate courses and for fulfilling all requirements for a certificate or degree set forth in this catalog, as amended from time to time. The program pathways outlined in the catalog are the best transfer and workforce pathways for students. The pathways do not guarantee transfer of credit. Students should work with their advisors at GCCC, as well as advisors at transfer institutions, to determine the best plan for course selection. No agent or employee of the College has the authority to warrant graduation, the attainment of any type of license, or career goal.

The College does not accept any responsibility for delays in graduation or attainment of career goals resulting from errors in registration, cancelled courses, time schedule changes, changes in degree and certificate requirements, or similar or related changes, or for errors resulting from consultation with or reliance upon any information acquired from any college employee. Advisors’ signatures on pre-registration, drop-add forms do not necessarily indicate agreement with or approval of the student’s choice of courses, nor may they be construed in any way as a guarantee that the student’s choice of courses is sufficient for graduation or attainment of any career goal.

Statement of Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity

ADA/Equal Access

Garden City Community College is complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and is committed to equal and reasonable access to facilities and programs for all employees, students and visitors. Those with ADA concerns, or who need special accommodations, should contact Joy Lehmann, Accommodations Coordinator, Garden City Community College, 801 Campus Drive, Garden City, KS 67846, 620-276-9638.

Equal Opportunity/Title IX - Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment

Garden City Community College does not discriminate against applicants, employees or students on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 or older), disability, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information or other non-merit reasons, or handicap, nor will sexual harassment or retaliation be tolerated, in its employment practices and/or educational programs or activities. Harassment is prohibited based on race, color, age, sex, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, or other factors which cannot be lawfully considered, to the extent specified by applicable federal and state laws. The Dean of Student Services coordinates the College’s efforts to comply with Title IX. Students concerned about the above should contact Tammy Tabor, Dean of Student Services, 620-276-9508, Student and Community Services Center, 801 Campus Dr., Garden City, KS 67846, and employees with concerns may contact, Alexis Saenz, Director of Human Resources & Payroll, 620-276-0362, Student and Community Services Center, 801 Campus Dr., Garden City, KS 67846.