PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing prepares students for entry into professional nursing. Upon graduation, the graduate is prepared to function in various health care settings in three interrelated roles: provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline of nursing. The program is configured to facilitate a career ladder approach to nursing. Students successfully completing the Practical Nursing (PN) program receive a certificate and are eligible to take the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-PN) exam to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). After receiving LPN licensure, the student may apply for entry into the Associate Nursing Degree (ADN) program. Upon completion of the ADN program, students are granted an Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) and are eligible to take the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-RN) exam to become a Registered Nurse (RN). This credential fulfills the College’s mission of developing skills in communication and problem solving while promoting a strong work ethic. The semester-by-semester plan described below are general guidelines. Students should work closely with their academic advisors to develop a plan that best meets their own individual needs and goals.
Admission Requirements
The Garden City Community College Nursing Program follows the Kansas Articulation Plan for Nursing Education. Qualified licensed practical nurses must meet the admission requirements for GCCC and the Nursing Department.
The LPN-RN nursing program has a selective admission policy. Applicants to the nursing program must provide proof of a valid Kansas LPN Licensure. Nursing courses are challenging and require generous study and preparation time outside of class. Please contact the nursing department for current program information.
- Prerequisite classes listed must have a passing grade of “C” or greater to be eligible for entrance into the Nursing Program.
- All math and science classes to be considered must have been taken within the last 5 years of admission to Nursing program.
- Nelson Denny of 12 or higher.
- Test into MATH 107 Intermediate Algebra or higher
- High School Chemistry (1 year) or completion of CHEM 105 - General Chemistry T>
Notice: According to Kansas law (KSA 65-1120), certain criminal convictions would deny or restrict access to a Kansas nursing license. Applicants should check with the Garden City Community College Department of Nursing or the Kansas State Board of Nursing should questions arise.
The Professional Nursing Program (ADN)
- Accreditation status: Continuing Accreditation (Next evaluation 2029)
- Accredited by:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Phone: (404) 975-5000
Fax: (404) 975-5020
Kansas State Board of Nursing
900 SW Jackson, Suite 1051
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1230
(785) 296-4929
Program Licensure:
This program leads to state-required licensure in the state of Kansas. It may not meet licensure requirements in other states. Click here to view a state-by-state breakdown of where this program meets licensure requirements in other U.S. states: The college maintains a Student Location Policy: and a Distance Education Disclosure Policy: Students who are not planning to live and work in Kansas should pay special attention to the licensure requirements in their state. Students with a legal permanent address in a state other than Kansas may not be allowed to enroll in a program leading to required licensure unless they sign a declaration they they are intending to move to Kansas. Please contact your academic advisor for more information.
Articulation Agreements:
Garden City Community College and Fort Hays State University - Articulation Agreement for the Bachelor of Technology Leadership Degree:
Students wishing to pursue the Bachelor of Technology Leadership Degree from Fort Hays State University should work closely with their faculty advisor to follow the specific plan for the articulation agreement. To view the agreement, click here: Fort Hays State University - Technology Leadership . For more information from Fort Hays State University, click here:
Garden City Community College and Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus - Articulation Agreement for the Bachelor of Science Technology Management Degree:
Students wishing to pursue the Bachelor of Science in Technology Management Degree from Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus in Salina, Kansas should work closely with their faculty advisor to follow the specific plan for the articulation agreement. To view the agreement, click here: Kansas State University - Technology Management . For more information from Kansas State University, click here: