Jan 22, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Prohibited Conduct

Refer to the GCCC website for all policy information https://www.gcccks.edu/about_gccc/policies.aspx.

As members of the College community, all students, student groups, and student organizations are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the policies and procedures of the College, federal state, and local laws, and city ordinances. Failure to comply with any of the rules/regulations governing the following areas may place a student in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and subject them to disciplinary action:

  • Alcohol and Drug Policy: In compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-690) and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), the College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or abuse of alcohol (as defined by these acts) by a student or employee on College property or at any College event or activity. No alcohol is allowed on College property or property controlled by the College without the prior written approval by the President or Board of Trustees. Violations of the Alcohol & Drug Policy and Prevention Program will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the College.
  • Bullying: includes repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior that is likely to intimidate or intentionally hurt, control, or physically or mentally diminish a Complainant, that is not speech or conduct that is otherwise protected by the First Amendment. 
  • Computer Usage: Violations of the Computer Usage Policy or any computer lab policy. Violations of ethical standards and unauthorized or inappropriate use of computer such as, but not limited to, using other’s email without permission, downloading, viewing, or creating pornographic material, monopolizing hardware, software and/or printers for personal use (not College related), tampering with the College’s network security system, or any illegal activity that violates the laws of libel, copyright, trademark, or the Buckley Amendment. 
  • Dishonesty: includes cheating, plagiarism, other areas of academic dishonesty, or intentionally giving false information to the College or College officials.
  • Disruptive Behavior: includes disorderly, indecent, or obscene conduct either in the classroom or on campus owned/operated facilities or properties on/at College sponsored events that significantly interferes with the academic mission or operations of the College.
  • Endangerment: includes any physical action, including hazing (further defined below), which intentionally or recklessly threatens the physical well-being, mental health, or safety of others.
  • Intimidation: Individual or group behavior which intentionally and substantially impinges upon or invades the rights of others. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, implied threats or acts that cause the Complainant reasonable fear of harm. 
  • Hazing: includes acts likely to cause physical or psychological harm or social ostracism to any person within the College community, when related to the admission, initiation, pledging, joining a student organization or any other group affiliation activity. 
  • Fireworks, Knives, and Prohibited Weapons: A Garden City ordinance prohibits the detonation of fireworks within city limits. Knives, explosives, air rifles/pistols, pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, and bludgeon weapons are prohibited on College property, except as noted in the bullet below. The GCCC Campus Police Department will investigate all matters relating to these areas and violators may be prosecuted. Students may also receive discipline, which could include dismissal from the College for violations and/or threats involving weapons. 
  • Guns, Firearms, or Other Permitted Weapons: In order to promote a safe and secure learning environment, GCCC prohibits the possession or use of weapons on campus and at off-campus College- sponsored activities, other than as set forth below:
  • In accordance with the Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act, K.S.A. 75-7c01, et seq, and other applicable federal/state laws, it is permissible and will not be a violation of this policy for the:
    • carrying of a concealed handgun on campus by legally qualified individuals, pursuant to Kansas law, and in accordance with the concealed carry restrictions set forth below,
    • lawful carrying of a concealed handgun by an employee performing College duties at an off-campus activity, when in accordance with applicable laws/policies for such location,
    • lawful possession of a handgun within a personal/non-College vehicle,
    • lawful possession of weapons:
      • Everyone who lawfully possesses a handgun on campus will be wholly and solely responsible for carrying, storing, and using that handgun in a safe manner and in accordance with the law and the GCCC Weapons Policy. Individuals who carry a handgun on campus must carry it always concealed on or about their person. “Concealed” means completely hidden from view in a way that does not reveal the handgun in any way. “About” the person means that an individual may carry a handgun if it can be carried securely in a suitable carrier, such as a backpack, purse, handbag, or other personal carrier designed and intended for the carrying of an individual’s personal items at all times. Moreover, the carrier must remain within the exclusive and uninterrupted control of the individual. This includes wearing the carrier with one or more straps consistent with the carrier’s design, carrying or holding the carrier or setting the carrier next to or within the immediate reach/control of the individual. It is a violation of this Policy to openly display any lawfully possessed handgun while on campus, except as permitted by law.

All laws and regulations are strictly enforced to assure safety. For additional information, please refer to the GCCC Weapons policy, accessible at: https://www.gcccks.edu/about_gccc/policies/weapons_policy.pdf.

  • Gambling: Kansas Statute 21-4303, gambling is illegal and is not permitted.
  • Smoking in Restricted Areas: All buildings owned and leased by GCCC are tobacco-free. Neither smoking nor chewing of tobacco is allowed except in approved designated smoking areas. Full policy accessible at: https://www.gcccks.edu/about_gccc/policies.aspx.
  • Theft/Vandalism: theft of or intentional damage to College property or the property of another may subject students to College disciplinary measures as well as legal action.
  • Traffic Laws and Regulations: All local and state regulations are in effect on campus 24 hours a day. In addition to the GCCC Campus Police Department, city, county, and state law enforcement agencies have jurisdiction on campus. All laws and regulations are strictly enforced to assure safety. Cars parked in the non-parking areas are subject to be towed and owners are responsible for towing/storage costs.
  • Violation of College Policy - conduct that would constitute a violation of any College policy, rule, or regulation (e.g., the Residential Life Handbook or Academic Catalog).